Introduction to Grunt

In this post, we will introduce Grunt. Grunt is a tool that helps web developers to automate the web development process. Here we focus on javascript code minification, concatenation and code quality check (JShint).

Source code

The source code is available at GitHub.

Install NodeJS and Grunt

First, you need to install nodejs. Nodes ships with npm which is a module manager for nodejs applications.

After you installed nodejs and npm successfully (to verify type node -v and npm -v, respectively), install grunt with

sudo npm install -g grunt grunt-cli

The -g option tells npm to install grunt and grunt command line interface (grunt-cli) globally.

Minifying Javascript code

First, we describe a simple grunt example that minifies Javascript. We use the grunt-contrib-uglify task for this task. To install the uglify task in your local node modules, type npm install grunt-contrib-uglify --save.

module.exports = function(grunt){
		uglify: {
			options: {
				mangle: true,
				compress: true,
				sourceMap: "dist/",
				banner: "/* Anastasios Zouzias 2015*/\n"
			target: {
				src: "src/application.js",
				dest: "dist/application.min.js"
			util: {
				src: "src/util.js",
				dest: "dist/util.min.js"


With grunt.loadNpmTasks("grunt-contrib-uglify"); we load the uglify task. Then, we initialize the task using grunt.initConfig. To run the uglify task on src/utils, type grunt uglify:util.

JSHint, minify and concatenate a list of JS files

A common task during web development is to check the quality of javascript code then concatenate all javascript files together and finally minify them as an application.min.js.

To install the required node modules, type npm install grunt-contrib-**task_name** --save where **task_name** is uglify/clean/concat/jshint.

module.exports = function(grunt){
		uglify: { /* Minifies JS code */
			options: {
				mangle: true,
				compress: true,
				sourceMap: 'dist/',
				banner: '/* Anastasios Zouzias 2015*/\n'
			target: {
				src: 'dest/application.js',
				dest: 'dist/application.min.js'
		jshint: { /* Checks Javascript for error */
			options : {
				eqeqeq : true, /* Only ===, not ==*/
				curly: true,  /* Use curly everywhere*/
				undef: true
			target: {
				src : 'src/*.js'
		concat: { /* Concats the following files to dest/application.js */
			options: {
				seperator: ';'
			target: {
				src: ['src/application.js', 'src/util.js'],
				dest: 'dest/application.js'
		clean: { /* Clean dest and dist directories*/
			target: ['dist', 'dest']


	/* Run tasks : jshint, concat and uglify*/
	grunt.registerTask('default', ['jshint', 'concat', 'uglify']);
	grunt.registerTask('rebuild', ['clean', 'default']);

Written on July 20, 2015